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英語版TVコラム「厳喜に訊け!」Mega Class Action Against NHK. Japan's Public Broadcasting Corporation, For Human Rights Violation.

Mega Class Action Against NHK. Japan's Public Broadcasting Corporation, For Human Rights Violation. [Ch-SAKURA August 22, 2009]
URL; http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KJ-Uw4ZUnmQ
More than ten thousand citizens are filing a lawsuit against NHK, on a Japanese public broadcasting corporation. This is the largest class action in Japan's court history. The reason is human rights violation due to fabrication. NHK fabricated a TV program on Taiwan. Many Taiwanese feel humiliated their human rights were violated. Quite a few Japanese who love Taiwan filed a lawsuit against NHK, and some Taiwanese have joined the class action. Commentator is Gemki Fujii, lecturer at Japan's National Police Academy.
Please check his own web cite also at gemki fujii com.
「厳喜に訊け!」特別版。NHK「JAPANデビュー」問題について英語で発信します 。