Japan You Don’t Know

Hello! My name is Genki Fjii.
I am an candidate of the Sunrise Party of Japan for the japanese senate.
I am a conservative.
I am a traditionalist.
I am an environmen talist.
I stand up to defend our own country against Chinese imperialism as
well as Jpanese leftists who are destroying natiunal defense and
natiuning natiunal defense and natiunal interests.
I believe in democracy.
Democratic nations of the world are all friends of Japan,
Please loud at my webcite!
■ Welcome to my website. I am a Japanese columnist. I am also an author of 46 books on Japanese and global economy, politics, and international relations.
The goal of my English website is Very straight forward.
I am ready to give you an isider’s view of Japanese economy, politics, and society.
I can offer you original analysis and deep insight on direction of changes in the Japanese society.
Even now, in the age of telecommunication and digital information, outsiders need assistance to have real understandings of what is going on in Japan.
Reading English articles on Japan is not simply enough.
■ I can report to you what deal-makers are actually talking about in Nagata-cho, Japan’s power center, where Prime Minister’s Office and the Diet are Located.
You can hear from me what capitalists are whispering in a closed room of Kabuto-cho, Japan’s Wall Street.
■ Japan is still little understood in depth in English-speaking world.
I would like you to share my knowledge and understand my country as it is.

■ My main business is forecast, forecast to see the future, near and far.
TIt is not just economic forecast.
My futurology includes socio-political forethought and cultural as well as religious aspects.
I publish newsletters of future forecast twice a month for paid membership in Japan.
■ I am planning to start my own blog soon, and to add more pages to my website. The tentative title of my blog will be “Tokyo Whispers”.
If you like to know more about any current subject with regard to Japan, please feel free to contact me.
I will be most pleased to help you.
I can provide you with latest information and far=sighted analysis.
You may interview me on phone or in person.
You can invite me to Contribute to your publications.
■ My main business is forecast, forecast to see the future, near and far.
TIt is not just economic forecast.
My futurology includes socio-political forethought and cultural as well as religious aspects.
I publish newsletters of future forecast twice a month for paid membership in Japan.
■ I am planning to start my own blog soon, and to add more pages to my website. The tentative title of my blog will be “Tokyo Whispers”.
If you like to know more about any current subject with regard to Japan, please feel free to contact me.
I will be most pleased to help you.
I can provide you with latest information and far=sighted analysis.
You may interview me on phone or in person.
You can invite me to Contribute to your publications.

■ I specialized in international relations at Graduate School of Arts and Sciences of Harvard University.
The goal of my English website is Very straight forward.
I was an associate of U.S-Japan Relations Programme, Center for International Affairs, Havard University.
■ I can report to you what deal-makers are actually talking about in Nagata-cho, Japan’s power center, where Prime Minister’s Office and the Diet are Located.
You can hear from me what capitalists are whispering in a closed room of Kabuto-cho, Japan’s Wall Street.
■ Japan is still little understood in depth in English-speaking world.
I would like you to share my knowledge and understand my country as it is.